
Friday, August 28, 2009

Well it's been awhile since I last posted. I need to get better at updating this thing. :) My summer has flown by and I have definitely kept busy. We haven't even been able to take a vacation yet because my work doesn't let us have off in July/August as it's the busiest time for Resident Enrollment at Liberty (the joys of working in admissions). We're looking to take a long weekend sometime soon and just get out of Lynchburg.

I have to admit that I'm looking forward to Fall. I'm ready for cooler weather, football season, fall festivals and of course my birthday in November. It's hard to believe that I'll be 26 this year! Recently I got in a rut and thought that I should be doing more extraordinary things by the time I reached this age. I had this mindset that if I was going to do anything great I had to do it now before I got too "old". However, I was reminded by my wonderful husband that we still have so much to look forward to. Our journey is only just beginning! That is exciting because there is so much I want to accomplish and I don't have to do it all before I'm 30.

I have been trying to seek God's purpose for my life. I know I won't work in admissions for the rest of my life, so I've been trying to figure out what God has called me to do. I am passionate about many things but I need to find one thing that I can put all my efforts towards. For right now, I think I might have found that passion...

Two weeks ago, I took over as worship leader at our present church near Smith Mountain Lake, VA. I have really enjoyed leading the church in worship. It is a powerful feeling to worship God and lead others to worship, but it also has great responsibility. I pray that I live a life of worship in my daily life and that my actions will please God. I am excited to learn more about leading worship and music in general. Who knows, I may have to lead worship at our church plant and I know this will give me great experience for whatever God has in store.

The fall semester started this week. Josh has two more semesters and he'll be finished with his Master of Divinity in Missional Studies!!! We're so excited. I am also taking some doctoral level courses since I get an education benefit at Liberty, although I hope to finish my doctorate degree from another school down the road. Finishing our education brings us one step closer to moving back to PA and starting our church! We are so excited to see what God has in store for us in this next season of our life.

For now...I take each day at a time and thank God for the precious gift of life! :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Here I Go...

I'm about to enter the wide world of blogging...why?! you might ask. Well, I had a revelation while I was visiting my family back in PA over the July 4th holiday. I decided to start blogging all my thoughts, feelings, ideas, decisions, triumphs, and set-backs as it pertains to our adventure of church planting. My husband has known since freshmen year of college that God wanted him to start a new kind of church in our hometown of Reading, PA. At first, I thought he was crazy! Then as I began to pray and really think about it, I felt the call of God on me too. Trust me, I know it won't be easy and people think we are nuts for doing it, but we know it is God's plan for our lives.

As we have begun the beginning phases of this adventure, I decided to put down in writing everything I, as a church planter's wife, was experiencing and feeling. My hope is that by reading this blog you will be encouraged and see God work in our lives. Maybe one day these blogs will be compiled into a book to help other church planter's wives, but I pray these words bring you hope and strength!

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight!" Proverbs 3:5-6